Top Local SEO Trends In 2023

Scottsdale Website Design | SEO |  Web Design Phoenix | Top Local SEO Trends In 2023

As the digital marketing landscape evolves, local SEO trends must adapt to meet audiences’ changing demands and behaviors. In 2023, a significant focus will be placed on how customers consume content across desktop and mobile searches. Preparing and improving your strategies is crucial to stay ahead of the game.

Improved Website Speed & Performance

In local SEO, businesses must recognize the significance of improving website speed and performance in 2023. User expectations have never been higher, and a slow-loading website can quickly lead to high bounce rates, lost sales, and negative user experiences. Studies show that a website with a 0-4 second load time yields the best conversion rates, with the initial five seconds having the greatest impact.

Therefore, businesses should strive to attain a load time of fewer than two seconds, the optimal “sweet spot” for website performance. Businesses can deliver a seamless user experience and enhance their local SEO rankings by prioritizing website speed and performance optimization.

Scottsdale Website Design | SEO |  Web Design Phoenix | Top Local SEO Trends In 2023

Voice Search Optimization

Voice Search Optimization is predicted to be one of the most significant Local SEO trends in 2023. As voice search has evolved from a smartphone feature to an essential household technology with smart speakers and voice assistants, it’s become more critical for businesses to optimize their websites for voice search. With the ease of spoken commands, users prefer voice search over traditional search methods.

As a result, optimizing for voice search is crucial for businesses to ensure their local online presence remains competitive. By staying ahead of the voice search revolution, businesses can leverage this trend to their advantage and increase their online visibility.

Mobile-First Indexing

In 2023, Mobile-First Indexing continues to be a critical trend in Local SEO, driven by the significant shift towards mobile internet usage. To ensure that your website is optimized for mobile devices, conducting a comprehensive mobile audit is crucial, identifying and addressing any issues that may affect your site’s mobile responsiveness.

Furthermore, incorporating conversational keywords into your content is essential to stay competitive. Local Reviews also remain a crucial factor in local search rankings, and it is vital to implement a review management strategy that encourages satisfied customers to leave positive feedback. These trends underline the importance of making your business more accessible and discoverable to your target audience.

Scottsdale Website Design | SEO |  Web Design Phoenix | Top Local SEO Trends In 2023

Optimized Google Business Profile

In Local SEO, staying up-to-date with emerging trends is crucial for business success. In 2023, an Optimized Google Business Profile will be one of the most significant trends. According to recent studies, most consumers rely on Google Business Profiles to access essential business information, such as contact details. This makes it essential to keep your business details complete and accurate. Partnering with the DigitalMaas Platform is an excellent strategy to achieve optimal results.

They provide expert guidance on optimizing your GBP, from enhancing your photos to crafting compelling posts and encouraging positive reviews. By following our proven strategies, your GBP can stand out in a crowded online marketplace, leading to increased traffic and revenue. Staying ahead of the game in 2023 means partnering with DigitalMaas to optimize your Google Business Profile.

Integration of Multisearch

As we move into 2023, the world of local SEO is evolving with new trends and innovations, and one that is set to take center stage is multi-search. Multisearch is a combination of visual and textual search that offers an intuitive and precise way of finding what you are looking for. It allows users to search for images or text and get accurate results in a fraction of a second.

Recent studies have shown that consumers increasingly use visual search to find products, with around 36% conducting a visual search in 2019. With Google Lens being used 8 billion times per month in 2022, it is clear that multi-search is here to stay. This trend offers businesses an opportunity to showcase their products in a visually appealing way and enhance their local SEO strategies.

Create Video Content

As we look ahead to the top local SEO trends in 2023, it’s clear that video content will play a crucial role in how businesses attract and engage customers. While written content like blogs and whitepapers can certainly be effective, it’s no secret that video content is increasingly popular with consumers.

You can build a strong brand identity that resonates with your local market by creating videos showcasing your products or services and providing value to your audience through educational or entertaining content. From step-by-step tutorials to showcasing the origins of your offerings, video content allows you to connect with your audience uniquely and compellingly. Social media and other online platforms allow you to share this content and reach a wider audience than ever before.

Scottsdale Website Design | SEO |  Web Design Phoenix | Top Local SEO Trends In 2023

E-A-T (Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness)

In local SEO, staying ahead of the competition requires a multifaceted approach. One such approach must be addressed E-A-T – an acronym for Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness. E-A-T is a crucial factor that search engines, especially Google, consider while evaluating the quality and relevance of online content.

E-A-T reflects how well a website and its content can satisfy users’ search intent and meet their expectations. To improve your website’s E-A-T, it is essential to establish yourself or your brand as a knowledgeable and credible authority in your niche. You can achieve this by creating high-quality content backed by research and data, building relationships with other experts in your field, and showcasing your credentials and awards.


In 2023, local SEO trends will continue to evolve, and businesses must adapt to meet customers’ changing behaviors and demands. Improving website speed and performance, optimizing for voice search, and mobile-first indexing will be critical factors in enhancing local SEO rankings.

An optimized Google Business Profile, multi-search integration, and video content creation will also be significant trends in local SEO. Finally, addressing E-A-T and establishing credibility and authority in your niche will be crucial in staying ahead of the competition. By following these trends, businesses can effectively enhance their local online presence and reach their target audience. If you’re looking to build or grown your online presence, contact the pros at Scottsdale Website Design. Get a free consultation and see how we can help you.

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